The tour is easy to explore online just click away.
Explore by the map or marker index.

In Person Tour Tips and Info
The tour is FREE and is a self guided experience. Groups may inquire about hiring a local guide to lead a history program.
This page offers some suggestions for making your in-person tour more enjoyable. The tour is brand new so you can expect this page to update with even more great ways to enhance your experience.
Basic Tips
Tour takes about 2.5 hours to complete.
- Start at the large hiker and boater parking lot (view on google maps ) on Maple Street by the main bridge over the Yough River. The kiosk has a large map to check out and has tour brochures that feature a town street map with the marker locations shown. Part of the fun is navigating around town and finding the markers.
- Be careful on town streets and be aware of traffic . Some of the markers are near or beside roadways. If in a larger group please do not block traffic.
- If you have an internet connected phone or tablet you can scan the QRC code (find APPS here) and listen to stories by some of the town’s elders. Some folks prefer individual headphones (depends on the loudness of your onboard speakers).
- Please please— post pictures, videos, comments etc to the Friendsville Interactive History Tour FACEBOOK page. Please note the posts are moderated so be patient.
- The town is bike friendly and on some roads you have the right to use the full lane. Signs will indicate these areas. Sidewalk bike riding is ok as long as pedestrains are given the right of way and you stop for them to pass.
- Picnic supplies can be purchased in town and the restaurants offer to go menus.
- The town community park is a great place for a picnic and you will find pinic tables and nice areas to relax. The park may be closed for private functions but 95% of the time this is only on a Saturday. Check the town website.
- Please respect our town’s residents and please stay clear of private property.
- Dogs must be on a leash. Please clean up after your pets.
- If you plan to explore the Kendall trail in mid summer we recommend you wear a baseball cap or other type of brimmed hat. In some areas you will find gnats and without a brimmed hat it can be very annoying. For some reason with a brim the problem is solved. Spring Fall and Winter (Sept-May) the scenic corridor is relatively insect free. Ticks should always be checked for after a trip in any leafy forest.
Questions? Send us an email.