The Unique Milling Company was established by local business man Leslie Friend. It was shipped to Friendsville on the railroad and was a package mill. The building was built to specification to house the mill equipment inside. The mill provided milling for the local farmers and produced all sorts of milled grain, flour and even dog food. In its heyday it was a hub of activity. There is a story that Leslie Friend’s son who drove the school bus would leave work covered in flour to drive the bus.
It was one of the first electric mill west of the Allegheny Front. Power for the mill was provided by the Leslie Friend Hydro Power Mill located across from the town park. Not only did the Friend power plant power the mill but it also provided each home with electric lights at a cost of 75 cents per month. Friendsville’s Renewable Energy Effort committee is hoping to rebuild the hydropower mill race and plant and provide power for the town and electrical grid.
The milling equipment within the mill remains intact and it is almost as if the workers shut it down one day and never came back. There are tools laying by a conveyor belt that look like the worker will be right back to finish the repair job.
It is hoped that the Town or other organization can obtain ownership of the mill and that it can be opened as a museum and a visitor info center.