- 5:30 PM
- Friendsville Municipal Building (Town Hall - Council Chambers)
The Friendsville Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Friendsville Municipal Building/Council Chambers. The Board will review the following docketed case:
SE/VR-2025-02: An application submitted by Heather Umbel to allow a “Special Exception” in the Town Residential zone, pursuant to section 408.B.11. & to allow a “Variance” for off-street parking, pursuant to section 600.H of the Friendsville Zoning Ordinance.
Any Interested individuals are invited to attend.
Efforts will be made to accommodate the disabled and non-English speaking residents with five days’ notice to Wanda Guard, Town Clerk at 301-746-5919.
By the authority of the Board of the Zoning Appeals